Which laptop last longer between HP and Lenovo?

Battle of the Brands: HP v Lenovo - LinkedIn

Experts often recommend assessing your specific needs and budget before choosing between HP and Lenovo. For instance, if you prioritize a sleek design and a premium feel, you might lean towards HP. If durability and a robust build are more important to you, Lenovo could be the better choice.Jun 21, 2023
Source : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/battle-brands-hp-v-lenovo-pcintsa

Should I let my kid build a PC?

Build or Buy Your Kid's First PC? Here Are the Factors to Consider

Building Your Own Computer-building might seem like a fun parent/kid project, but it can turn sour fast, especially if you're new. So, before you send away for a motherboard and power source, ask yourself if you're really a build-it-yourself kind of person and whether your kid is really a build-it-themself kind of kid.Mar 29, 2021
Source : https://www.newegg.com/insider/build-or-buy-your-kids-first-pc/

Is 128 GB RAM enough for gaming?

Will 64 or 128 gigabytes of RAM ever be needed for gaming? - Quora

Not anytime soon. Right now a good amount for gaming is 16gb for high end gaming and 8gb for low end. Unless you are streaming, where is a bit overkill for 32gb, you aren't gonna need THAT much ram any time soon. Remember: for not that demanding tasks chose speed over large capacity.Mar 9, 2021
Source : https://www.quora.com/Will-64-or-128-gigabytes-of-RAM-ever-be-needed-for-gaming

What are the disadvantages of a desktop computer?

Desktop vs Laptop: Which Office Computer Is Best for Your Business?

Not portable Of course, the main disadvantage of the desktop computer is that it lacks flexibility. With a desktop, employees are tied to one area of the office. This can be inconvenient when it comes to office meetings or when an employee wants to show a co-worker what they've been working on.
Source : https://officeology.com/blog/desktop-vs-laptop-which-computer-best-for-your-business/

What is a good price to pay for a computer?

Q&A: how much is too much to pay for a computer? - USA Today

Unless he's a championship gamer or editing feature-length HD movies, $500 to $1,000 is a reasonable amount to spend, depending, of course, on your family budget. Remind him that today's $800 computer cost $2,000 18 months ago. What's really important: A fairly new processor and at least 8 gigabytes of RAM.Feb 7, 2014
Source : https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2014/02/07/computer-prices-internet-wifi-tracking-cookies/5186991/

How long do built PCs last?

Gaming PC Lifespan: How Long Do Gaming PCs Last? - CyberPowerPC

However, with proper care, maintenance, and occasional upgrades, a well-built gaming PC can easily last five to seven years or even longer before requiring a significant overhaul. Your components themselves, even though they may fall behind in performance, should work for years to come.Apr 22, 2024
Source : https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/blog/how-long-do-gaming-pcs-last/